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Top view of the work card, in the standard blue and white colors
Undue use of discretion in judicial activity intensifies the clash between the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the Labor Courts and affects the legal certainty of decisions.
Money cake with 100 and 50 real notes, below a silver stethoscope with a navy blue cord
STF consolidates collective bargaining as an essential procedural requirement for the application of the national nursing floor to employed professionals
work permit on a glass table. Next to it, a blue pen above a white sheet of paper.
New law changes CLT rule on hazard pay and benefits employers of road cargo transportation companies.
Person checking calendar while making notes in notepad
The judicial recess and vacations hide pitfalls for labor lawyers, but there are special strategies they can use at the CGJT during this period.
Businessman looking out of conference room window
In order to win a lawsuit, it is not enough for employers to follow the labor rules, they must prove their practice.
Image showing an hourglass in front of a clock
The exception provided for in the CLT that justifies the rebuttal of off-site working hours generates controversy, but the STF's theory may help to define the dispute.
Stacks of coins of different sizes on a table. In the background, a person using a calculator
The Supreme Court has changed its position on the possibility of unions charging all those they represent compulsory union dues provided for in a collective bargaining agreement.
Calendar with colored pins
MTE ordinance revokes permanent authorization to work on public holidays for various sectors, which must now negotiate with professional unions.
Lower view of mirrored building with sky in the background
The release of the full text of the STF's decision on compulsory union dues raises doubts about the right to object at meetings.
Graphic illustration of technology-related icons
An employee who violates the confidentiality of information obtained during the employment relationship can be held liable for damages caused to the former employer.
Top view of person holding pen in right hand and checking documents with right hand
Court concludes judgment of ADI 5994 and provides more legal certainty for companies that have adopted this type of scale since the Labor Reform.
Illustration of three small wooden blocks. From left to right, the blocks are stamped with: the female gender symbol, the equal sign and the male gender symbol.
Decree 11,795/23 stipulates that companies must submit a Salary Transparency Report in March and September of each year.
Person holding two equal stacks of gold coins
The long-awaited regulation of the salary transparency report and compensation criteria, published on November 27 by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) through MTE Ordinance 3,714/23, brought in as main innovations: the definition that the...
Bottom view of several buildings, one next to the other on a long street
Court to decide by the end of the month on the inclusion of companies from the same economic group in labor executions.
Top view of a handshake
Contrary to understanding after the Labor Reform, RFB understands that the amounts arising from the suppression of the break for rest and meal are part of the contribution salary.