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Federal Court decides that an incident of disregard of legal entity applies to the situations regulated by Sections 124 and 135 of CTN, but it does not apply to the situations regulated by Sections 132, 133 and 134 of CTN. The solution to the controversy is not definitive. Thesis to be set by the higher courts shall be applicable throughout the national territory.
New regulation lay down criteria for entering into tax settlements in the State of São Paulo and for rating taxpayer debts based on recoverability. Check the discounts granted in each case.
With the adoption of a special procedure for deciding administrative tax proceedings for small amounts, Law No. 13,988/20 ended up sacrificing important constitutional principles for procedural practice, focusing on speed of review at the expense of full exercise of rights of defense.
Federal tax authorities change their position and reintroduce the discussion on the qualification of state ICMS tax incentives as taxable per Corporate Income Taxes, which has been closed after the enactment of Supplementary Law No. 160, of 2017.
Five decrees change the ICMS Regulation and affect transactions with electricity, generic drugs, fruit and vegetables and agribusiness supplies.
There is discussion regarding the validity of article 4, sole paragraph, of Law No. 6,950/81 with respect to a limitation on the taxable base for third party and social security contributions to 20 times the highest minimum wage in force in Brazil.
Our lawyers analyze the main shift points in the current mechanisms of the bankruptcy and reorganization legislation.
Law authorizes Rio de Janeiro to reduce legal penalties and late payment surcharges for ICMS, IPVA, and ITD debts occurring up to August 31.
The administrative act in dispute is already endowed with self-execution. With the withdrawal of the claim, its legality is confirmed.
Our lawyers review the main points of change in the current bankruptcy and reorganization legislation's mechanisms as the potential enactment of the bill approaches.
Are those taxes due after the decision has become final regarding the right to claim an offset of tax credits, when the credit is authorized at the administrative level, or when the offset statements are transmitted? The Superior Court of Appeals will have the final say on the subject.
Me Ordinance No. 340/20 creates appeal chambers to judge cases of less than 60 minimum wages and authorizes remote sessions
Decree 47332/20, Law 9041/20, FECP debt, FEEF debt, FOT debt
Instrumentos jurídicos aumentam a efetividade das decisões do STF, além de dar segurança e tratamento isonômico a litigantes que tenham preocupações idênticas.
Rio de Janeiro government also cuts by up to 90% interest and fines related to overdue tax debts for companies in the oil and natural gas sector. Learn about the conditions.