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Gavel, brown, used in court sessions, positioned above a calendar
The Federal Government have announced the postponement, but are yet to release the new date of the obligation, which should coincide with the replacement of GFIP by DCTFWeb.
Concept of equal pay between men and women. Illustrative image of three wooden blocks: one representing men, positioned on the left side of the image, another representing women, positioned on the right side, and the middle block with the "equal" symbol highlighted
Is it possible to prepare a women's and men's pay transparency report without disclosing salaries?
Black woman holding two piles of coins. In her left hand, the coins are fewer in number, while in her right hand, they are greater in number
Rule exposes legal entities to more severe legal consequences in the event of violation.
Bottom view of two mirrored buildings in blue, connected by mirrored upper walkway
New edition of the eSocial Guidance Manual established July 1st of this year to start sending information about labor lawsuits.
A soccer ball with the colors black and white on a soccer field. In the background, a goal with white goalposts
An analysis of the law that regulates the Soccer Corporation based on how this institute is organized.
Executivo usando camisa branca, gravata listrada e paletó preto, segurando uma caixa de papelão com materiais de escritório dentro.
Court establishes time limit for requirement of prior labor union intervention.
Decision is valid for the entire country and must be maintained pending final judgment of the extraordinary appeal.
Peças de xadrez posicionadas lado a lado em cima de uma mesa, com variações de tons entre marrom, branco e beje
Law 14,553/23 requires employers to include information in corporate documents containing individualized employee data.
Law 14,510/22 brings arguments that allow the use of remote attendance for examinations of this nature.
Deadline for companies to adapt to the changes required in the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention ends this month.
There is a duty to negotiate, but what negotiation?
Companies should invest in awareness and prevention to prevent the proliferation of the - illegal - use of electronic cigarettes in the workplace.
Opinion letter issued by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil exposes the need to distinguish the two concepts.
Initial milestone of the information to be transmitted is extended to April 1.
Decision of the Brazilian Supreme Court related to the benefit in case of prolonged postpartum hospitalizations did not exhaust doubts on the subject.