Scheduled for July 1, 2023, the deadline for the entry into production of eSocial labor lawsuit events was again postponed, as the Federal Government reported in a note issued on June 30, without the definition of a new date.

In addition to seeking to meet several requests for postponement made by private sector entities, the postponement of the labor lawsuits events was planned so that the new date of entry into production coincides with the replacement of GFIP by DCTFWeb.

Although it has not yet officially defined a new deadline for the beginning of the obligation to send the information regarding labor lawsuits, the schedule presented by the Ministry of Labor in Letter SEI 55194/2023/MTP, issued in response to the request for postponement of the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais (FIEMG), indicates as the deadline for entry into production the day 1 October 2023.