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Two white people holding hands as a form of "agreement". In the background, a contract signed by the parties on a table
Relevant changes in taxation can occur and should be considered in reviewing existing structures and in future planning.
Tax rules on trusts
São Paulo´s Tax Authorities (SEFAZ-SP) provide analysis for the first time on trusts while bills on the subject move forward in Congress.
Extrajudicial probate with incapacitated heirs
Alternative for conflict resolution is increasingly used, despite contradicting the norm provided for in the CPC.
Living Will: The Patient's Choice
Also known as advance directive of will or living will, the document records the care that the person wishes to receive in extreme health conditions.
The exercise of the right to vote in respect of shares subject to usufruct
The conflict arises when there is no agreement between bare owner and the person entitled to usufruct. In such case, if the shares subject to usufruct represent a relevant percentage of the company's share capital or even its control, the situation tends to be more complex.
State law cannot institute ITCMD on donations and inheritance abroad
the Supreme Court clarified in its decision that the matter should be regulated by complementary federal law, still non-existent.
 Brazilian’s Trust - Trust Bill
New contractual modality could be used for various purposes in estate and succession planning, such as asset management for minor children or legally incapacitated persons, professional asset management, wealth management in case of inability of the creator of the trust and transfer of assets in the event of death.