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Highlights of the week

One of the most controversial amendments brought in by Law No. 13,467 (the Labor Reform) is the inclusion of paragraph 3 to article 834 of the Consolidated Labor Laws (CLT), which authorizes the representation of companies in labor hearings by representatives who are not their employees. However, in spite of the express legal provision in this sense, parties in court have come across varying interpretations on the subject.
Decree No. 9,127/17, published on August 17, amends Decree No. 27,048/49 to include in the list of essential activities for operation on Sundays and holidays the "retail trade of supermarkets and superstores, whose main activity is the sale of food, including the transport inherent to them".
Companies with employees on sick leave must identify whether they have been called for a review of their benefits by the National Institute of Social Security – INSS and whether their names are on the list of persons unable to be reached (published by the Official Federal Gazette).
The Regional Court of Labor Appeals of Minas Gerais (TRT) ordered Santander to extend to a former employee a special bonus that had been paid to some employees.