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Action to demand accounts is not applicable against insurer
Due to its not holding custody of or managing other people's property, the company is free to provide clarifications, according to the STJ, and must only pay the compensation provided for in the policy.
Importance of consensual methods of dispute resolution in expropriation processes
Extrajudicial negotiation by mediation or arbitration may be more beneficial to the expropriated, in addition to faster and more efficient.
CVM Releases Risk-Based Supervision Report 2021
Document informs the supervision actions carried out to treat risks and events considered priority by the Risk Management Committee.
Validity of the service of a legal entity
Decision of the STJ reinforces the understanding that the plaintiff shall confirm the address registered before the Board of Trade and other registration bodies.
Reciprocal tax immunity for government-controlled companies
STF has been issuing decisions that relax the prohibition on extending immunity to this type of company.
The importance of prevention in coping with crises
Key steps to draw up an emergency action plan and reduce the impacts of a critical situation.
Entrepreneur's Defense Code aims to make life easier for entrepreneurs
New law protects entrepreneur of the state of São Paulo in its relations with Public Administration and can be fruitful for consumers.
Early evidence may facilitate minority shareholders’ access to information
The evidence production phase plays a key role in a lawsuit, and may be decisive for its success – or not. The current Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) introduced the early production of evidence as an autonomous claim. Therefore, the production of evidence will no longer be a procedure phase, or an injunction plead, but a litigation claim, which expanded – and greatly – its suitability.
Right to be forgotten Vs. freedom of the press
In times of "overinformation" and an increasingly digital society, where a quick acess in a search site can lead to any content anywhere in the world, discussions involving the right to be forgotten – i.e., the withdrawal of personal information from websites and mass media – and its (in)compatibility with the right to freedom of the press are increasingly complex.
Is it possible to change the rules for the production of citrus seedlings?
ADI filed by mdb questioned the requirement of production of citrus seedlings with the use of substrate that does not contain soil, but the action did not proceed because it presented procedural defects.
The importance of Green CPR’s for the sustainable growth of agribusiness
Rural Product Note aims to raise financial resources to maintain agricultural operations and preserve biodiversity.
New understanding of the STJ avoids unnecessary conflicts of jurisdiction by companies under judicial reorganization subject to asset seizure
For the conflict of jurisdiction between a judicial reorganization court and the tax foreclosure court to be heard and reviewed, there must indeed exist conflicting decisions rendered by these courts.