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Action for liquidation of judgment by the common procedure: guarantee of the adversarial process and a full defense
Defendants must freely exercise their constitutional rights and avail themselves of the due process of law, according to the fundamental norms of civil procedure.
Bystander: what does it mean and why is the identification relevant?
Identifying these consumers in an appropriate and timely manner is essential, because the application of consumer legislation brings relevant consequences of both a material and procedural nature.
New CNJ resolution regulates issues related to cross-border insolvency proceedings
Resolution 394/21 establishes rules for cooperation and direct communication with foreign insolvency courts.
The limits of the procedural legal deal
Despite the decisions by courts on the subject, such as that of the STJ, there is still no settled case law on the guidelines of NJPs.
ADI No. 4,296/DF: after 11 years, STF declares unconstitutional provision of the Application for Mandamus law that restricted the granting of in limine relief
Court found that article 22, paragraph 2, of the law restricts the general power of discretion of the magistrate and the constitutional principle of the irremovable jurisdiction.
STJ moves to consolidate understanding of bad faith exemption for double repetition in cdc
With the new understanding, it will be enough to prove the agent's guilt to obtain the refund in double undue charges made in consumer relations.
Confidentiality of corporate arbitration: public hearing on changes in CVM rules
CVM proposes the creation of the duty to communicate corporate claims, such as judicial or arbitration proceedings in which the issuer, its controlling shareholders or its directors appear as parties.
The new Bidding Law and alternative means of preventing and resolving disputes
One of the highlights of the new law is the possibility of using the appropriate means for the prevention and resolution of disputes related to property rights arising from the bidding agreements.
The effects of the pandemic on commercial leases
Although there is still no consensus, the Judiciary is consolidating the understanding that, in certain situations, the pandemic justifies state intervention to ensure financial balance in commercial leases.
Are we prepared for competitive dialogue?
New bidding law introduces competitive dialogue as a bidding modality, but the analysis of some issues shows that improvements still fit
Importance of analytical mapping in lawsuits
A didactic and visual presentation of the occurrences of the case facilitates communication between lawyer and judge and allows a very objective analysis of the case.
Intervening statute of limitations and the new art. 206-A of the Civil Code: are we facing a new discipline on the subject?
Article 32 of MP 1.040/21 draws attention for inserting Article 206a-A in the Civil Code to provide that the intercurrent prescription will comply with the same period there of the claim.