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COP-26: expectations for the 26th Edition of the United Nations Climate Change Conference
Among the main issues to be discussed by global leaders is the regulation of the carbon market.
Incorporation of climate guidelines in Brazil: recent discussions in the legislative and judicial spheres
The growing concern about climate change in the country encourages the proposition of new standards on environmental aspects, as well as innovative judicial decisions that incorporate legal guidelines related to climate issues.
General Environmental Licensing Law: reflection and trends
New environmental licensing model proposed in Bill No. 3,729/04 intends to reduce bureaucracy in environmental licensing processes, aiming to increase legal certainty.
Green hydrogen and ESG: together on the path of green recovery in Brazil
Fuel can be the key to guarantee ing Brazil a role in economic restructuring based on strategies associated with issues of the environmental, social and governance agenda
Regulation of sensitive points of the State Dam Safety Policy in Minas Gerais
Decrees approved by the government of Minas Gerais increase the stringency of environmental agencies, the means of inspection and the penalties applied to entrepreneurs who own dams.
New procurement law emphasizes environmental issues
New standard follows the global market trend in requiring enterprises to adopt ESG criteria and establishes measures that will contribute to sustainable national development.
Cetesb publishes new contaminated areas management manual
Following the progress of legislation and technology, updating the manual is essential to standardize the management procedure of contaminated areas not only in the state of São Paulo, but throughout Brazil.
Cetesb concludes out-of-court agreement with sugar and alcohol sector
The objective is to close pending lawsuits over violations resulting from fires in sugarcane growing areas in the state of São Paulo.
New decree regulates environmental compensation for licensing in SP and establishes powers of the Environmental Clearing Chamber
Decree No. 65,486/21 raises environmental clearance to the level of a mandatory condition in the environmental licensing of enterprises, works, or activities of significant impact in the state.
MG institutes State Policy on Persons Affected by Dams
State Law No. 23,795/21 requires developers and entrepreneurs to create an Economic and Social Recovery Plan (PRDES), which will include all actions to remedy the socioeconomic, cultural, or environmental damage caused by dams.
STF judgment involving the labelling of products containing genetically modified organisms
Entendimento do tribunal sobre constitucionalidade da medida condiz com argumentos adotados na análise de casos recentes de conflito de competência legislativa em matéria ambiental.