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ESG criteria, the new standard for responsible investments
The appreciation of responsible businesses leads to the adoption of sound environmental, social, and corporate governance practices, particularly after the coronavirus crisis.
Changes to the National Dam Safety Policy
Provisions added to the PNSB aim to ensure greater participation and information for the general population and greater transparency for developers.
"Forest + Program" - The first step towards the implementation of PSA
The program supports the Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) initiative, which aims to encourage the improvement and preservation of native vegetation in Brazilian territory.
New rules in the state of São Paulo for activities involving fuel derived from waste
With Resolution No. 47/2020, a new range of waste can be sold as raw material for Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and generate revenue. The rule {standard, norm} also allows for environmental benefits, with the use of waste within production chains, avoiding its destination to landfills.
Nagoya Protocol Ratified in Brazil
Brazil is expected to access genetic heritage from other countries, in addition to sharing the benefits of technological developments involving Brazilian biodiversity, which will bring about scientific advances for Brazil and foster economic growth.
Regulation of reverse logistics in the drug sector
Decree institutes a system for reverse logistics of expired medicines for home use. In the first two years, pharmacies will have to supply collection points only in cities with more than 500 thousand inhabitants.
New rules for conversion of environmental fines
With two joint normative ruling, MMA, Ibama, and ICMBio regulate the conversion of simple environmental fines into services of preservation, improvements, and recovery of environmental quality, facilitating the resolution of administrative proceedings
STF suspends tacit release of agricultural defensives
In limine injunctive relief was granted in the judgment of ADPF 656, filed by the Rede Sustentabilidade party against Ordinance 43/20 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply. Review of this action will be resumed after a request for review of the record by Justice Roberto Barroso.
New regulatory decree of the National Seed and Seedling System is placed for public consultation
Draft of the new decree, under discussion until April 4, intends to update the regulation of legislation relating to seeds to the latest technologies and market realities.
Covid-19: environmental agencies suspend procedural deadlines and offer remote services
In addition to the federal environmental agency (Ibama), state and municipal agencies have temporarily canceled in-person services, which should have an impact on licensing, authorizations, approvals, and inspections.
A challenging 2020: Topics that marked environmental law in 2019 should also be highlighted this year
The year 2019 was marked by great uncertainties and numerous challenges for Brazilian environmental law. Changes and legislative developments and events throughout the year have generated various demands, actions, and business opportunities in relation to various topics, such as mining and dams, climate change, fires and deforestation, solid waste, environmental licensing, and economic development with sustainability.
Changes in federal administrative procedure to investigate environmental infractions
Joint Normative Instruction (IN) No. 2/20, published on January 29 by the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (Ibama), and the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), brought in new regulations on the federal administrative procedure for investigating administrative environmental violations. The standard seeks to consolidate administrative procedures at Ibama and ICMBio, repealing prior instruments.