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Mass lay-offs at companies under judicial reorganization
There is a duty to negotiate, but what negotiation?
The return, not celebrated, of bad smoking habits
Companies should invest in awareness and prevention to prevent the proliferation of the - illegal - use of electronic cigarettes in the workplace.
For labor law, per diems and reimbursement of expenses are different budget items
Opinion letter issued by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil exposes the need to distinguish the two concepts.
Changes on labor process events in eSocial
Initial milestone of the information to be transmitted is extended to April 1.
Extension of maternity leave: unanswered questions
Decision of the Brazilian Supreme Court related to the benefit in case of prolonged postpartum hospitalizations did not exhaust doubts on the subject.
Deadline for launching labor lawsuits events on eSocial extended
Information that would begin to be transmitted on January 16 will only need to be communicated from April 1.
Changes brought by eSocial version S-1.1
New layout of the system brings obligation to inform labor lawsuits.
Will wearing a mask at work be mandatory again?
With the increase in cases of covid-19 and the resumption of restrictions in some public organizacion, companies should plan for the use of mandatory facial protection in their facilities.
Mass layoffs: how the dialogue with labor unions may occur?
Decision of the Brazilian Supreme Court indicates that companies operating in Brazil should allow prior union intervention.
Use of masks in public transport in SP
New decree resumes mandatory facial protection from November 26.
New TST recommendation for judicial reorganization
Judges must observe the rules set out in the judicial reorganization even after its closure.
The legality of trainee programs for black people and minorities
judiciary has positioned itself by the constitutionality of such actions and maintained that they are not discriminatory..